Monday, September 20, 2010

Whitney's Study Time Management

I’m studying… I’m studying…. I’m studying… then SQUIRREL!

As a senior at SWOSU graduating with a chemistry major and a biology minor I have put in my fair share of procrastinating, studying and cramming. Everyone knows that to make good grades you have to study, but studying just stinks sometimes. But what really makes studying so bad is the A.D.D. like symptoms that we run into when it’s time to study. It’s like the dog that is on a very important mission and then a sudden “SQUIRREL!” I call it T.A.D. (Technology Addiction Disorder). You know the process of studying. You find a good quiet place to study, get all your materials in order, maybe a Red Bull or a Monster, a comfortable seat and good lighting is a bonus, possibly a few snacks, a computer, a phone, and an iPod. Now you are ready to study, but first you have to check Facebook, the gateway where it all begins. The start of the worst kind of procrastination. The kind you do when you are in the midst of studying. The kind that triggers an inevitable cycle of almost subconscious procrastination…technology addiction!

So maybe you are a strong willed individual and you have successfully put in an hour straight, then “SQUIRREL!” You notice your phone has text messages. Two messages from Sally and one from mom, even texting your parents is more appealing than studying. Or maybe your phone lets you know that “Sally has just tagged 10 photos of you in Spring Break 2010.” Oh yeah wait, your studying right, so you put your phone down under a piece of paper so you can’t see it.

Back to typing notes you go, but you miss Sally and it’s much faster to check out new pics on your laptop. Then it happens, that sound, “pop”…Facebook chat. And just so happens you have 63 friends online and they ALL want to say hi and you don’t want to be rude... Okay so maybe you are a veteran, you just update your status, “is studying for tests” Oh yeah wait, your studying, so Facebook closed and back to typing your notes. Wait a minute, you have an iPod, and you know you type better with music.

Four hours later you have experienced the vicious cycle of T.A.D… checking Facebook status updates, studying, texting, Facebook chatting, studying, texting, texting, texting, studying and…now you are exhausted and you deserve at least 15 minutes study break. This ultimately restarts the cycle back at the procrastination gateway that is Facebook. But I have to go study now that I am done blogging! lol :)

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